Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας Μ.Α.Ε. – Κ.Τ.Π. Μ.Α.Ε.


Operational and organisational restructuring – Integrated Information System for the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP) and a modern recruitment environment in the public sector

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Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP)
Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection (ASEP)
€ 9,830,000.00 (excluding VAT)
February 5 2024
Financial Source
Public Investment Program (PIP)
Greece 2.0 NextGeneration en 1
National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0"
What is the object of the project?

The object of the project consists in utilising the latest information and communication technologies, to respond quickly, securely and reliably to the needs arising from Law 4765/2021 which introduces the modern recruitment environment that essentially launches the digital transformation of ASEP. The project will be implemented using best practices and breakthrough technologies, always with a view to simplifying procedures and providing citizens and organisations with services more efficiently, with a view to supporting the enhanced role of APSEP in the modern information ecosystem.

Based on Law 4765/2021 on reforming personnel selection procedures in the public sector, the experience accumulated by ASEP regarding the operational problems associated with the conduct of recruitment procedures for the Greek public sector, as well as the ever-increasing involvement of ASEP in various HR functions of the Greek public sector, this project stems from the need to redefine the concept of staffing in order to include not only new recruitments but also mobility (as an internal labour market) and the selection of supervisors and aims to fully digitalise the relevant procedures, from the application stage to the end results for each candidate and the ability of ASEP to handle these results.

What are the purpose and objectives of the project?

The individual objectives of the project are:

  • To ensure the digital transformation and upgrading of ASEP with state-of-the-art and innovative information technologies, which will enhance its efficiency and effectiveness, in order to provide a modern recruitment environment for the public sector.
  • To support ASEP in designing and reforming its procedures according to its priorities, taking into account the initial conditions and the expected socio-economic impact.
  • To support ASEP in defining and implementing appropriate procedures and methodologies, taking into account good practices and lessons learned from other countries on how to deal with similar situations.
  • To reduce the operating costs of ASEP.
  • To support ASEP in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of HR management, including by strengthening professional knowledge and skills and defining clear-cut responsibilities.
What are the expected benefits of the project?

The implementation of this project will play a decisive role in redesigning the internal organisation of work and enhancing the productivity of the organisation. In the internal environment of the project, the benefits will be apparent to the direct beneficiaries, including the following:

  • simplification of procedures;
  • saving time;
  • preventing document loss;
  • saving man-hours spent on the implementation of required procedures.

The benefits from the implementation of the project, mainly for final beneficiaries, competent public organisations in particular, also include:

  • interoperability of the systems and provision of digital services;
  • provision of better quality services of high added value;
  • reduced time for processing requests;
  • accurate information and reduced margin of error;
  • reduced administrative costs;
  • reduced number of transactions per result;
  • reduced response times and automation of procedures;
  • transparency and reliability.

The digital modernisation of ASEP is expected to streamline its internal organisation and the conduct of its work, as well as to make things easier for interested parties, e.g. in terms of responding to their requests and carrying out recruitment procedures. It is also expected to further reduce the movement of hardcopy documents, thus saving economic and natural resources.


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