Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας Μ.Α.Ε. – Κ.Τ.Π. Μ.Α.Ε.


The “digital” KTELs on the starting line

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The government is speeding up on the road of digital transformation and public transport with the project of modernization of urban and intercity buses, with the Information Society SA as a co-driver. This “route” has as its starting point and “terminal” on the quality of the advanced digital services that passengers will enjoy from the bus companies.

Seventy four (74) beneficiaries are included for funding in the action “Support to urban and interurban transport enterprises for the adoption of systems and the provision of integrated passenger information and e-ticketing services”.

For the Information Society SA, which is the main executive arm for the implementation of the broader digital strategy of the Ministry of Digital Governance, the support of the KTELs for their digital modernization is a particularly important project, which is clearly underlined by the CEO of I.S. SA, Mr. Stavros Asthenidis.

“We are at a focal point after a decade characterized by low investment in urban and intercity transport, resulting in both inadequate service to the citizen and the devaluation of investment projects that contribute catalytically to Greece’s economic and social transition to tomorrow, on a road that we cannot afford not to travel with speed as a country. Therefore, we are ready to contribute our part to the development and vision of urban and intercity transport in the new digital era. The upgrading of services for the benefit of the citizen, with emphasis on quality and the substantial improvement of the travel experience, especially road transport services through urban and intercity transport, are key elements of the growth model for the coming years, which the government is pursuing for prosperity and job creation. In this context, the landscape of transport and citizen service is changing dramatically. The aim of the action is the modernisation of urban and intercity bus services in all thirteen (13) administrative regions of the country”. The benefits resulting from the implementation of the investment projects are expected to bring immediate, positive results in the daily operation of the KTELs, as:

− Integrated ticketing and ticket management systems are created, where each system will issue electronic tickets, support modern technologies and secure standards for e-ticketing and payment by cash or credit/debit cards. − Software is installed for the correct planning of routes, in terms of passenger traffic and the response of vehicles at peak times, according to the actual needs of passengers.
− An integrated control centre for long-distance transport is created, where statistics are provided and conclusions are drawn in relation to the observance of routes, their redesign, and the formulation of a rational policy by the competent bodies, according to the real needs of passengers.
− The content of information to passengers is upgraded. The material published online includes timetables, timetables and stops on digital maps.
− In highly populated places, “smart stops” will be installed to inform the public about the actual arrival time of the next bus.

The total budget of the Action amounts to €24.249.680 with a Public Expenditure of €14.512.608 and is included in the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)” of the NSRF 2014 – 2020. For the 74 beneficiaries who have been approved to join the action, the funding budget amounts to €21.631.770 with a proportional public expenditure of €12.650.811,37.


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