Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας Μ.Α.Ε. – Κ.Τ.Π. Μ.Α.Ε.


Planning, Implementation and Operation of the System for the needs of the program “Financial support for the implementation of preventive dental care operations in children aged six to twelve (6-12) years – (Dentist PASS)”

dentist pass
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health
€ 213,000.00 excluding VAT
April 20 2023
Financial Source
Public Investment Program (PIP)
Greece 2.0 NextGeneration en 1
National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0"
What is the object of the project?

The object of the Project is the planning and development of the System to support the granting of financial support for the implementation of preventive dental care operations for children aged between six and twelve (6-12) years, in the context of the “Implementation of the National Public Health Prevention Program ‘Spyros Doxiadis’” project (Action Code 16783), of Greece 2.0 Recovery and Resilience Fund, financed under the “National Recovery and Resilience Plan Greece 2.0.”

Following are some of the items included by the system to be implemented:

Through the system, the beneficiaries will submit an application, until the date set according to the provisions of the JMD of the Program (Article 3 paragraph 9 (Part C) of Law 5015/2023).

The entry of the beneficiary in the Electronic platform of the Program, which is accessible through the Digital Single Gateway of Public Administration (gov.gr), is made after its authentication using the codes – credentials of the General Secretariat of Information Systems of Public Administration (taxisnet).

What is the objective of the project?

The Program aims at optimizing the quality of preventive dentistry with a target group of children aged 6-12 years and consolidating the philosophy of preventive dentistry, as well as informing parents and children about the need for diligent care of the oral cavity, so that the latter can grow up without dental problems.

Who are the beneficiaries of the project?

The beneficiaries of this aid are children born in the calendar years 2011 to 2016, legally residing in Greece, who are holders of a Social Security Number (AMKA) or a Temporary Number of Insurance and Healthcare for Foreigners (PAAYPA).

The aid will be received, on behalf of the child, by an adult natural person who has custody or guardianship of the child (individually or jointly). This natural person to whom the aid is credited is also considered to be the Beneficiary of the aid.

Each beneficiary of the programme will receive a digital debit card (pass) amounting to €40 per eligible child. Each debit card can cover the total cost of the relevant dental care services up to the aforementioned amount. The monetary amount may be used exclusively by the eligible persons for preventive dental care operations for the beneficiary-child, and it may not be withdrawn or transferred to a third party other than the above. The financial aid is granted to the beneficiary by “Information Society Single-Member S.A.” (IS S.M.S.A.) by way of a digital debit card (pass), issued specifically for this purpose by a credit or financial institution, within the meaning of Article 3 par. 2 and 3 of Law 4557/2018 (A 139), respectively.


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