Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας Μ.Α.Ε. – Κ.Τ.Π. Μ.Α.Ε.


“Redesigning the security management procedures of the information systems of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, based on internationally recognized standards and best practices” of the Project Fiche (SUB 4 – Subproject 4) Modernization of IT Security and Encryption Telecommunications Infrastructure

ktp photo 13
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
403.225,80 € (exclusive of VAT)
April 29 2024
Financial Source
Public Investment Program (PIP)
Greece 2.0 NextGeneration en 1
National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0"
What is the object of the project?

Technological developments are rapidly evolving globally and, combined with the growing demand for digital applications and services, involve significant challenges. The more rapidly the digital world spreads in every aspect of daily economic and social life, the more it is exposed to malicious and illegal actions. Each organization must ensure the protection of the information it handles, depending on its importance and criticality, and in particular the Ministry of the Interior which may be the main target of malicious actions, and the security parameter is extremely important. Furthermore, the strategic plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2023-2026 highlights as main objectives the development of human resources, the upgrading of structures and the modernization of the operation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Therefore, the object of the project is the achievement of the above objectives as well as the continuous adaptation to the new international data, thus ensuring the resilience of the foreign policy towards the challenges of the future. This requires, inter alia, a strategy for the reorganization of the procedures for the security management of information systems of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The material aspect of the project will be realised through the following tasks:

  1. Diagnosis of the current (as – is) status of the Information Security Management
  2. Design of the Information Security Management System (ISMS)
  3. Implementation of the ISMS Check of Compliance with the ISMS processes
  4. Staff Information / Awareness
What are the purpose and objectives of the project?

Rapid technological developments combined with the growing demand for digital applications and services involve significant challenges. The more rapidly the digital world spreads in every aspect of daily economic and social life, the more it is exposed to malicious and illegal actions. In this context, each organization must ensure the protection of the information it handles, depending on its importance and criticality, and in particular the Ministry of the Interior which may be the main target of malicious actions, and the security parameter is extremely important.

Furthermore, the strategic plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2023-2026, developed by the Directorate for Strategic and Operational Planning, highlights as main objectives the development of human resources, the upgrading of structures and the modernization of the operation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This objective includes the digitization of the operations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the continuous improvement of the structures and the operation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The achievement of the above objectives as well as the continuous adaptation to the new international data, thus ensuring the resilience of the foreign policy towards the challenges of the future, requires, inter alia, a strategy for the reorganization of the procedures for the security management of information systems of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, based on internationally recognized standards and best practices as well a permanent commitment to revise the system based on new data, legislation and practices. Therefore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, taking into account the technological developments and the needs for a uniform method of operation based on an internationally recognized standard as well as the security of information and systems, must develop and implement an Information Security Management System based on an international standard such as ISO/IEC 27001: 2013 for the information systems implemented and managed by it. This system will ensure that the Ministry’s procedures include all necessary checks on the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in order to protect the data and resources involved in each activity that it performs.


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