Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας Μ.Α.Ε. – Κ.Τ.Π. Μ.Α.Ε.


The Ministry of Digital Governance, in the context of the policy for the Digital Transformation of the country during the period 2020-2025, as reflected in the Digital Paper

ktp psifiakos metasximatismos 1
Ministry of Digital Governance
Ministry of Digital Governance
€ 2,625,000.00 excluding VAT
April 24 2023
Financial Source
Public Investment Program (PIP)
Greece 2.0 NextGeneration en 1
National Recovery and Resilience Plan "Greece 2.0"
Which is the need to implement the act ?

The Ministry of Digital Governance, in the context of the policy for the Digital Transformation of the country during the period 2020-2025, as reflected in the Digital Paper – which is in the course of being finalised after the public consultation it was issued for-, has formulated specific targets, which may be summarised as follows:

Digital Service: The citizen stops presenting documents concerning him/her, which may be produced through Information Systems of the State. Priority to the service of the citizens, through modern mobile devices. Citizen-centered approach of the design of the digital services

Transparency, integrity and accountability: Public Administration must be resource-efficient, impartial and essentially transparent in its operation.

Re-use of modules and solutions: The implementation of digital services is based on a modular development model that ensures the re-use of modules and solutions, which, in turn, adopt widespread standards and meet specific quality standards.

Inclusiveness Facilitation of the Cross-Border Service of the Citizens.

In the context of the implementation of the policies for the Digital Transformation of the country a number of interventions has been envisaged, which are divided in three (3) categories:

  • Actions that improve the operation of the existing systems.
  • Short-term actions
  • Long-term actions.

In the above context, it is recognized that one of the most important issues to be addressed in the direction of the provision of integrated eGovernment services is the optimisation of the service of Citizens and Businesses, using modern, innovative, digital channels.

The Creation of the “Single digital infrastructure for the service of citizens and businesses”,is the core of actions in the above direction, with the aim of integrating redesigned processes in it, so that citizens and businesses be able to carry out a significant part of their transactions with Public Administration electronically, anywhere, anytime and for anything related to the State.

What is the object of the project?

The object of this project (Sub-project 3 -Supportive Mechanism for the successful implementation of the Project) is the Provision of support services for the master project (Sub-project 1: “Design, Implementation, position and support of the Production Operation of the Single Digital Infrastructure for Customer Relationship Management of Citizens and Businesses (CRM)” of the “Single Digital Infrastructure for the Customer Relationship Management of Citizens and Businesses (CRM)” Project.

The services included are:

  • Administrative, Operational and Technological Support Services;
  • Value-added services – Elaboration of specialized studies and expert reports;
  • Pilot and Production Operation Monitoring Services

Furthermore, the subject matter of the contract also includes the provision of specialised consultancy services for the support of such a complex and significant endeavour, such as the one of the creation of an integrated customer relationship management (CRM) system with citizens and businesses, aiming at its successful operation, through the contribution of value added services, that expand the range of services of the Project and utilize the implemented infrastructures.

Objectives and expected benefits

Main objective of the Project is to ensure the ability of the Pubic Administration to fully adopt a culture of citizen-centered service throughout the range of the multichannel service system. As a requirement, the creation and operation of the digital infrastructure for the service of citizens and businesses, natural and legal persons, is recognised as the required technological and methodological instrument. The activities are arranged in such a way that the digital infrastructure is adopted by as many Public Administration bodies as possible, throughout the range of the multichannel service system and for as many outward services of the public administration as possible.

With the Project implementation, the public administration will have, on the one hand, achieved the preparation and full operation of state-of-the-art digital infrastructure, for the provision of the service provision to citizens and businesses throughout the range of the multichannel system, and, on the other hand, it will have determined, implemented and applied all the necessary procedures for the optimal management and provision to the final recipients – citizens and businesses.

Furthermore, they will be able to contribute to the more efficient of the Implementation and Production Operation of ICT projects of the public administration bodies, providing easy and quick access to new advanced citizen services, offered over the new horizontal CRMS system, in a supple and flexible manner.

More specifically, the expected benefits include:
  1. Creation and maintenance in a single system of a single and complete (360) image of the natural / legal person in transaction with the State, irrespective of the specific information system or communication channel required for its transactions with each Public Administration body (e.g. taxis, e-efka etc.). Respectively
  2. the Public Administration will have all its interactions with the State, namely questions, requests, affairs of the transactor, at one point, irrespective of each communication channel (telephone, physical presence, email, etc.) or handler.
  3. Objective improvement of the quality of the services provided by the benefiting cooperating Bodies to their final recipients, citizens and businesses, as the digital service infrastructure will facilitate the faster and more consistent processing of the transactor’s requests.
  4. A framework for the single operation and support decision-making and monitor and control the progress of the work of Public Administration is established.
  5. Comprehensive information of the service agents that contact transactors online or offline throughout the range of the multichannel system, so that they can offer anytime, and from any geographic point, quality service in a consistent manner.
  6. Improvement of the overall “Citizen experience”, because of the centrality of the digital services provided (reusable service processes), through which consistent handling of transactors will be achieved, in terms of increased quality (processing speed) and scaling, irrespective of the communication channel, the type and intensity of the service needs. The completion of a transaction will no longer require the comprehension of the structure and the modality of operation of the involved bodies of the Public sector by each transactor.
  7. Improvement of the productivity of the State, through the support of the bodies at the service of businesses and citizens.
  8. Increase of transparency, promotion of innovation and ensuring the seamless access of the citizen to data of the wider Public Administration.
  9. Increase of interoperability and interconnectivity, given the centrality of the digital infrastructure and, therefore, facilitation of the application of value added digital services for the businesses and the citizens of the country.
  10. Increase of the effectiveness and efficiency of the resources (human or not) used for the service of the citizens through the extensive use of automated methods as well as best practices for the monitoring and continuous improvement of work flows. This will be supported by the key performance indicators (KPIs) and the reports and dashboards of Stage 1. In the context of Stage 2, these indicators should be utilised with the development of the models required, for predictive analytics and capacity planning, aiming at the rational use of resources and improvement of the Citizen experience.
  11. Saving resources in the cooperating Bodies because of the strengthening of their service infrastructures and the parallel increase in productivity of their officials.

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