Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας Μ.Α.Ε. – Κ.Τ.Π. Μ.Α.Ε.


E-Justice: Projects over 200 million Euros for the digital upgrade of Justice

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These are digital interventions in the context of the digital transformation of justice with a total budget of over 200 million Euros which are as follows:

  1. Upgrading the Court Record Keeping System
    (€28,760,014.40 including VAT)
  2. Upgrade and expansion of IT infrastructure in the Justice sector
    (€70,000,000.00 including VAT)
  3. Digitization of Data Archives of the Ministry of Justice (€97,880,000 including VAT)
  4. Teleconferencing services in courts and penitentiary establishments and provision of information on the progress of the case lists and exhibits of the courts (€16,500,000 including VAT)

The object of the first project is the implementation and installation of technical infrastructures for the digital recording, storage and distribution of court records of the political and criminal courts of the country. This project includes:

  1. Upgrading the central and local computing infrastructure, the software and hardware equipment and the interconnection of the Information System and the infrastructure for digital recording, archiving and distribution of the court records of the civil and criminal courts of the country, produced by the existing Recording-Transcription system.
  2. The provision of recording-transcription services of court records, through the digital recording, storage and distribution of the court records of the political and criminal courts of the country.
  3. The ability for the user to perform all required actions and audit of recordings from their computer by installing the CRM application on the employee’s PC.

With the implementation of the project, the following will be achieved:

  • Accelerate the award of Justice and upgrade the quality of Justice services to citizens:
  • Reliable recording of the procedures excluding the case of incorrect recording of statements, since it will be possible to verify the recorded statements
  • Lightening the administrative burden of the judicial system
  • Upgrading the award procedure of Justice through the support of Judicial Officers in the exercise of their duties
  • Reducing the need for physical presence such as receiving of court records, requests and so on. through electronic services and information
  • Better administration of the judicial system with the production of statistical data and administrative information and objective information on the functioning of the judicial system
  • Increase transparency in the functioning of the judicial system by publishing statistical data on the functioning of Justice, electronic case monitoring and electronic keeping of case and file history and the possibility of quality and legal audit
  • Saving resources by reducing the operating costs of the judicial system: storage areas, searching and reproducing documents, consumables and reducing infrastructure costs: economies of scale in the introduction of upgrades and modifications, reducing the administrative burden to handle malfunctions and managing the system

The object of the second project is the implementation of upgrades and expansions of IT and Communications technology infrastructure in different sectors of the Greek Justice. More specifically, the actions that will be implemented within the framework of project cover the following functional units:

  • Development of an Integrated Information System to modernize the functioning of the Court of Audit
  • A set of actions to strengthen the information system of the National Criminal Records Portal and further expand its services
  • Upgrading and expanding functionality of the Integrated System for the Management of Court Cases (Civil and Criminal) – Phase II

The purpose of the project is to promote the digital transformation of Greek Justice, through the implementation of IT actions. The three operational units of the project cover a significant part of the basic functions of Justice, with interventions related to the digitization of proceedings and services, but also the upgrading and expansion of infrastructure. Achieving the objectives of the project is expected to provide a number of benefits for our country, such as:

  • Increase in competitiveness
  • Investment Attraction
  • Institutional Strengthening
  • Boosting the feelings of trust and security of the citizens and undertakings
  • Better administration of the judicial system
  • Increase in transparency in the judicial system
  • Strengthening transparency in the management of public money
  • Upgrading the legality and regularity audit of expenditure and accounts
  • Data protection and data security
  • Faster processing of auditing procedures
  • Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of audit services

The object of the third project (Framework Agreement) concerns the Digitization of the Data Records of the Ministry of Justice, which includes both the scanning of data of the selected Courts and the inclusion of key data in a specialized information system, in order to create digital copies for the Bodies of Justice. Specifically, in the context of this action, the following will take place:

  • Scanning the files of 368 Courts participating in the project and visual identification of characters (OCR), so that they can be searched with keywords
  • Support the digitization process with specialized applications
  • Development and positioning in a productive operation of the Procedure Management System, Documents and Records / Digital Archiving System (Digital Repository) within which the file will be kept in perpetuity. In this system, all the digitized material from all the executive contracts of the project will be introduced in order to be used by the information systems of the Ministry of Justice.

The project includes the records of 368 Courts / Prosecutor’s Offices of which 288 are located on the Mainland and 80 on islands. After the implementation of the Project, time-consuming searches for paper documents in the local Courts / Prosecutor’s Office will not be necessary. On the contrary, the digital version will be recovered from the centralized system for managing Procedures, Documents and Digital Files / Digital Archiving System (Digital Repository) that will be put into operation and managed by the Ministry of Justice. Finally, in the implementation phase, the fourth project includes two actions:

  • 1st Action: “Integrated teleconferencing services in courts and penitentiaries”,
  • 2nd Action: “Information services on the progress of the dockets and exhibits of the Courts”.

The 1st action concerns the implementation of a network of teleconferencing services in courts and penitentiaries in the country, covering the needs of the civil, criminal and administrative courts (Court of First Instance and Court of Appeal), investigative work (Court of First Instance) and requests for judicial assistance. The scope of the action concerns Judicial Bodies (Supreme Court, Council of State, Civil – Criminal and Administrative Courts of Appeal and Courts of First Instance and Petty offences Courts) and Penitentiaries. More specifically, teleconferencing systems are expected to be installed:

  • in a part of the courts of first instance and courts of appeal;
  • in certified premises within the courts but also within the penitentiaries (testimony room);
  • interrogation offices and offices serving judicial assistance requests.

The physical object of the Action includes:

  • Supply, installation and commissioning of central equipment and software.
  • Supply and installation and commissioning of teleconferencing systems and other required regional equipment and software.
  • Development, installation and configuration of project subsystems.
  • Training of the staff of Judicial Bodies (Judicial Officers and Judicial Staff) in the use of the system, based on the training plan and depending on the category of trainees (Administrators, Senior Users, Simple Users).

The 2nd Action concerns the development and commissioning of an information system, through which the publication of the course of the dockets and exhibits of the Courts of the country on the internet, to the interested parties (attorneys, citizens, etc.).
There will also be the possibility of direct and real-time updating of the course of the dockets through special applications that will operate on electronic devices (smart phones, tablets, etc.), in order to better serve the attorneys, the litigant parties and those involved in the court proceedings in the Court rooms. These applications will support multi-channel access to the personal devices of the persons concerned, either by mobile telephony or by wireless network in specific areas (indoor and outdoor) of the judicial facilities of the country. For this reason, the development of a wireless access network for the public and attorneys will be implemented. In more detail, the Action includes:

  • The supply of appropriate equipment (such as workstations, network equipment, servers and other supporting infrastructures) and the development and commissioning of the information system, through which the dockets and exhibits of the Courts will be published on the Internet.
  • The interconnection of the information system with the case management software of the Courts (Integrated Judicial Policy and Criminal Case Management System -Civil and Criminal Justice (OSDDY-PP), Integrated Judicial Policy and Criminal Case Management System-Administrative Justice (OSDDY-DD)) and the Integrated Court Transcripts System (OSPD).
  • The development of special applications that will operate on electronic devices (smart phones, laptops, etc.), for the immediate and real-time updating of the course of the dockets and exhibits.
  • The procurement, installation and configuration of the required equipment for the implementation of wireless Internet access networks.
  • The implementation of a centralized system for the certification and management of users (authentication, authorization, accounting – AAA) and interconnected devices on the network. The system will offer maximum security as well as web-authentication (captive portal) and will be able to define user access policies such as daily usage, speed, content).
  • The training (on-the-job training) of the users and administrators of the system of this project.

The purpose, together with both actions of the project, is to incorporate in our judicial system the concept of teleconferences for the realization of the trials, in order to gain valuable time during the conduct of the trials and the introduction and utilization of modern technological tools in the process of awarding Justice. The implementation of the project will help to eliminate the problems caused by the movements of witnesses, to serve cases that participants in the trial would not like or should not be present in person, to speed up the investigative work and to better serve attorneys, the litigant parties and those involved in court proceedings in the courts of the country.
In order to meet the special needs in the establishment and operation of the teleconference in the courts, fixed teleconferencing systems (type A) will be installed and in the remaining cases mobile teleconferencing systems (type B) will be installed in the certified areas / offices within the judicial bodies as well as in the Penitentiaries.
Through teleconference, the court may carry out a remote examination of a witness who will be in a specially designed area elsewhere in the country or even abroad. The teleconference can also be used to examine inmates, reducing their need for transfer to and from the penitentiary in which they are being held, and a large number of police officers currently involved in the transfer procedures are expected to be released.


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