Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας Μ.Α.Ε. – Κ.Τ.Π. Μ.Α.Ε.


Website Terms and Conditions

January 2022
ktp terms

Welcome to Information Society, the official website of “INFORMATION SOCIETY S.A.” (hereinafter referred to as “Information Society”). Please carefully read the following terms and the conditions that govern the website and, if you disagree with any of them, please do not proceed to use the website. By using the Information Society website, it is implied that you have read and unconditionally accept the present terms and conditions. Please check this page every time you visit our website, as these terms and conditions may be updated and renewed by Information Society, as deemed necessary.


Information Society shall bear no responsibility, either direct or indirect, for any damages (actual or consequential) that may be incurred by any person due to the use of the website and/or the data contained therein, regardless of whether the relevant information is provided by Information Society or by a third party.

Information Society shall do everything in its power to ensure that the website’s content is as up-to-date, as secure and as error-free as possible; however, under no circumstances does it absolutely guarantee the accuracy and correctness of the data and information contained therein. In any case, website users shall be solely responsible for assessing the published content, and Information Society shall bear no responsibility for any risk or damage that may be incurred by the user due to the use of its content.

Intellectual Property – Industrial Property – Republication Prohibition

All information and services displayed on this website are exclusively owned by Information Society and they are protected by the laws on intellectual and industrial property, the European and Greek legislation, as well as international Conventions and Treaties.

The entire content of this website, including any distinctive titles, trademarks, images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, etc., constitutes the intellectual property of Information Society and it is protected pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Greek law, the European law and international conventions, or it may constitute third-party intellectual property, which Information Society is licenced to use exclusively for its own needs and for the operation of its website. It is prohibited to copy and transfer this content, to create derivative works based on this content or to mislead the public about the actual provider/administrator of the website. Reproducing, republishing, uploading, disclosing, disseminating, transmitting or otherwise using the content in any way or by any means, for commercial or other purposes, shall only be permitted with the prior written consent of Information Society or any other copyright holder.

Content Republication

The content of the Information Society website is freely available to the public. Specifically, it is allowed to read the content as this is made available through the website, for as long as such content is available. It is also allowed to republish parts of the website’s content, provided that this content has not been altered in any way and with an explicit statement indicating that this is a republication from Information Society’s website, including the publication date, as well as the relevant link to the website, where possible. In any case, all copyrights with respect to the content and the copies created hereunder are reserved. In order to use and exploit third-party content published on Information Society’s website, the interested party should contact the holders of the relevant rights.

Third Party Websites

Sometimes, the Information Society website may provide references (hyperlinks) to other websites. Users can browse these websites solely on their own responsibility. The Information Society website shall not be liable for any damages that may be incurred due to the use of links or hyperlinks to other websites, nor for the information that may be contained in the webpages where users are redirected through such links. Information Society should in no way be considered to adopt or accept the content of the services provided by such websites nor be associated with them in any way. Furthermore, it does not check the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and completeness of the services offered thereby. Therefore, for any problem that may arise, users should address the respective websites directly, which bear full responsibility for the provision of their services.

Changes to the website

Information Society reserves the right to change or remove any part of the website or the entire website, without prior notice to the users. The website’s users shall have no claim for damages in the event that they cannot use this website and the services offered.

Privacy Policy

The management and protection of the personal data of the visitors/users of the Information Society website is governed by the existing Greek and Union legislation on personal data protection, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), as well as Law 4624/2019 (A 137). The use of the webpages and services provided to visitors/users of the Information Society website requires their unreserved acceptance of the Privacy Policy. Therefore, visitors/users must carefully read the contents of the Privacy Policy posted on this website.

Cookies Policy

The Information Society website may collect user identification data through the use of technologies such as cookies. Cookies are small text files stored on the user’s computer or other electronic devices (e.g. mobile phones, tablets, etc.) when they visit the website. For more information, please refer to the Policy available on our website.

Users’ Obligations

The users and visitors of this website must comply with the rules of Greek and international law, as well as the ethical standards.

Users may use this website only in accordance with the applicable Terms and Conditions. In the event that unauthorised use of this website is detected, the user agrees to indemnify Information Society for any loss or damage that may be incurred thereby.

Dispute Resolution

The present Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the Greek law. Any provision in the above terms that is contrary to the law shall automatically cease to be valid, without prejudice to the validity of the rest of the terms. The present terms are agreed between Information Society and the website visitors/users and they are binding only for the above. The parties agree to try to amicably resolve any disputes that may arise in relation to these Terms and Conditions. In the event that the amicable resolution of such disputes is not possible, the courts of Athens shall be competent to settle the dispute. By using the Information Society website, you expressly and unconditionally accept the above terms.

Amendments/Updates to the Terms and Conditions

Information Society may amend the present Terms and Conditions from time to time, in order to comply with regulatory changes or to optimise its features and services. Any updates or amendments shall be posted on this website, indicating the date, so as to make clear which is the most recently updated version.

Latest Revision: January 2022


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*Indicates required fields. We process the personal data provided through this form for the sole purpose of sending newsletters regarding Information Society’s corporate news, events and implemented actions.
After submitting the subscription form, you will receive an e-mail confirming your subscription to Information Society’s Newsletter.
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