Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας Μ.Α.Ε. – Κ.Τ.Π. Μ.Α.Ε.


The strong presence of Information Society at the 88th TIF

Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας
88η ΔΕΘ

The strong presence of Information Society during the first two days of the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) was met by a large crowd – including Ministers and Deputy Ministers – who stopped by Booth 12 of the Ministry of Digital Governance. Naturally, the substantial interventions of the company’s executives also stood out; they attended various events and panels, discussing at length and explaining in detail the next steps for the digital transformation of Greece.

On Saturday, September 7, Mr Dimitris Giantsis, General Director of Projects at Information Society, spoke about the important Extroverted Agriculture project implemented by the company, at the booth of the Ministry of Rural Development, in the presence of Deputy Minister Mr Dionysios Stamenitis. The project involves a holistic approach to agricultural extroversion, both by developing information systems to control and facilitate regulatory audits, as well as by adopting innovative technologies and initiatives to promote the Greek mark, to control the misappropriation of Greek labels and to connect Greek agri-food products with foreign markets.

On Sunday, September 8, Mr Stavros Asthenidis, Managing Director of Information Society, participated in a panel organised by the Growthfund, entitled “Technology as a Catalyst for Development”. The event was prefaced by the Minister for Digital Governance, Mr Dimitris Papastergiou. Mr Asthenidis gave some significant examples of how the use of new technologies in the Public Sector leads to growth.

Later on the same day, he participated in a panel by the Ministry of National Economy and Finance on the contribution of the NSRF and the Recovery Fund to Health, Education and the Environment. During his speech, he focused mainly on the Health sector and particularly Telemedicine, another important project implemented by Information Society: “It is a very beloved project, as we believe that it will bring to the foreground what is also dictated by the Constitution, namely the provision of Health services to citizens wherever they are”, he stated.

Mr Vasileios Katsouros, Research Director at the Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP) at the “Athena” Research Centre and member of Information Society’s Board of Directors, spoke at the panel of the Ministry of Digital Governance regarding Artificial Intelligence, the innovations brought along thereby, as well as the challenges that the Public Sector has to face due to its adoption.

Finally, Information Society organised an information event about the Smart Readiness programme on Sunday afternoon. The Minister for Digital Governance gave an address, stating that the upgrade of the fixed telecommunications infrastructure is a priority for the government. Mr Giantsis explained how this action is being sped up, while fibre optic installers made a demonstration in relation to the programme, which will convert 120,000 buildings into “smart homes”.

If you plan to visit the TIF in the coming days, do not miss the opportunity to stop by the booth of the Ministry of Digital Governance in order to find out more about the projects implemented by Information Society and how they contribute to the Digital Transformation of Greece.


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